Hurricanes in Hawaii
What is a hurricane?
Hurricane Season: Hurricanes are most likely to occur July through December in Hawaii. Hurricanes bring severe bad weather, flooding rain and potentially devastatingly strong winds. The passing of a Hurricane may last days or up to a week or more. The Hurricanes usually develop far away in the eastern Pacific and we generally get several days or more warning of their approach. So there is usually time to make preparations and even evacuate if necessary. Many Hurricanes come close to Hawaii but are just too far away to have a severe effect, This near-miss scenario, and repeated canceled warnings, can give some people a false sense of security. Until one does hit, and they may be unprepared. Here’s the link to the National Hurricane Center (NHC)
This is a computer generated “Forcast Model” of Hurricane Fernanda 2017, seven days in the future.
This next image shows the interactive map, that shows the probable path and Cone of Concern for Hurricane Fernanda: